Render advanced PDF using NetSuite data from any record

To show data that is not available on the record, a common approach is to create a button which then calls a Suitelet. This Suitelet uses saved searches or queries to generate the data needed on the Advanced PDF and then renders the PDF. This is fine but what if there was a way to natively print the PDF without the need for a custom button?


Create a User Event Script on the record.  In the beforeLoad function get the data you need using Saved Searches or SuiteQL.  Create a custom field to store the data.


 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NModuleScope Public

,  (
) => {
        beforeLoad = (context) => {
			if (context.type == context.UserEventType.PRINT) {
				const newRecord = context.newRecord;
				// Create the custom field to save data
				let dataForPDF = context.form.addField({
					id: 'custpage_data_for_pdf',
					type: serverWidget.FieldType.LONGTEXT,
					label: 'data for pdf'
				dataForPDF.updateDisplayType({ displayType: serverWidget.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN });

				// Call Search function(s) to get all the data you need.  This should return an object
				let dataObject = getData();
				dataForPDF.defaultValue = JSON.stringify(dataObject);

		getData = () => {
			// get all the data using searches or SuiteQL
			return dataObject;

		return {
            beforeLoad: beforeLoad
In the Advanced PDF reference the generated field.  Use “eval” to parse the data into an object.


<#assign data = record.custpage_data_for_pdf?eval> <p> ${data.field}</p>


This simple solution allows you reach data you otherwise would not be able to on an advanced PDF.  It does this without the need for a custom button.

Do you need help with customizing NetSuite?  Suite Tooth Consulting specializes in all sorts of customization for NetSuite including scripting, workflows, advanced PDFs, and integrations.  Get a free consultation.

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Jaime Requena Chief Executive Officer

Jaime Requena is a seasoned NetSuite Consultant and Solutions Architect, known for delivering WHITE GLOVE service to businesses. With 15+ years of experience and 3x certifications in ERP, Developer, and Admin, Jaime specializes in highly customized NetSuite accounts, transforming operations for 200+ satisfied customers all across the globe.

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